Sunday, December 22, 2013

Orion,180 liters diesel distilled in 9hours, record run

I made a good step forward with efficiency with the latest changes to the Orion retort. The video shows selected footage of diesel production. Nine liters of diesel was used to fire the turk burner head, plus retort generated gases were used as well. At times the gases were enough while other times the turk was used to supplement. The video shows the turk injector pump running, sounding like a tractor while the second part of the clip displays the gases alone doing the heating. The faint eerie howl of the forced draft fan can be heard.
More soon. thanks.

1 comment:

  1. hi, hello, im Juan from Argentina im looking for especific information to duplicate your work if its posible, do you have any kind of blue prints or something that help me ?
